
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Challenges of the Week

For any Quester who wishes to train at the Academy when they are not present at a MQ session, I will be posting challenges which one may fulfill to procure unique rewards, unobtainable in the game. The rules that apply to this special opportunity follow:

1.) The Quester must complete the listed mental or physical exercise under the supervision of an adult.
2.) After completion of step 1, the Quester must email me ( a video containing the procedure they went through to complete the challenge and the solution (if a mental exercise) or they must show me 20 repetitions of their exercise (if a physical exercise).
3.) I will then respond, as soon as I have the time, with constructive criticism and will verify if you have successfully completed the challenge. If I find that you have not quite met the requirements, I highly encourage you to continue working on that same exercise as you will be more likely to succeed the next time.
The Quester must not accept or receive any assistance for any exercise they pursue. (Please be honorable in your endeavor!!!)


Health Builder:
Perform 750 up-downs to earn one extra health point.
Sharpening of the Mind:
Solve the following riddles to earn one extra mind point against Control:

I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket, and I'll make it lighter. What am I?

If you throw me from the window,

I will leave a grieving wife.

Bring me back, but in the door, and

You'll see someone giving life!

What am I?


What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Lands in MQRB

The City, Animal Kingdom, Lava Lands, and Earth Kingdom.

Above are the four realms which compose the mortal world of Mastery Quest. There is one more board, not shown in the picture above, which depicts the heavens. In Mastery Quest, it is dubbed: The Mansion Worlds.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mastery Quest, Redondo Beach Commences!

Mastery Quest at Redondo Beach was a total blast and success! We had several more arrivals than expected! As always, Mastery Quest ceased to fail in being an infallible magnet. In fact, there were at least three dance academy students who had no prior affiliation with Mastery Quest, but were intrigued to the point where they tried it out! In the end, 100% of the questers left interested and I believe nearly all of them are coming back! We ran out of leaflets toward the end of the session, so we had to give the link to the Mastery Quest website to our clients. I am definitely looking forward to this coming Sunday when the Quest shall resume!